Multiplexed Proteomics is enabling major advancements in single-cell workflows---allowing the detection of multiple analytes of interest in an experimental run to quantify thousands of proteins at once. To be successful in this area of biomedical research, you need a high throughput / high-resolution optofluidic system to measure significantly more information rather than just a single parameter.
IDEX Health & Science has extensive optofluidic system design and manufacturing capabilities that can deliver intelligent solutions specifically for multiplexed Proteomics:
Our knowledge in genomic and protein imaging, multiplexing, liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry can help you build your multiplexing Proteomics application:
The steady advances in optical thin film deposition technology over recent decades have enabled production of high performance multiband optical filters that address the increasing demand for multicolor fluorescence instrumentation. Though there is now a wide range of available catalog filters designed for a large variety of fluorophores, selecting suitable filters is often a complex process. Here we present considerations relevant to the design of such a multiplexing system.
Companies looking to enter the Proteomics space need a competitive advantage, and we can help provide this by designing an optofluidic system specifically for multiplexing Proteomics applications. Partner with us by filling out the form.
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