Due to many desirable properties like high brightness, stability, longevity and narrow spectral bandwidth, lasers are replacing conventional broadband light sources for fluorescence imaging applications. Not only have these features of lasers allowed for higher-sensitivity visualization and enhanced throughput in imaging applications, but also several other unique properties of lasers—narrow beam divergence, high degree of spatial and temporal coherence, and well-defined polarization properties—have enabled new fluorescence imaging techniques. At the same time, the use of lasers as fluorescence light sources imposes new constraints on imaging systems and their components.
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The term Group Delay in optics is the relative amount of time light of different frequencies is delayed as it travels through a transmitting medium (like an optic made of glass) or it rattles around inside the many layers of a thin-film coating. At some frequencies (or wavelengths), it takes light longer to emerge from the medium or thin-film coating than at other frequencies.
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It is possible to increase blocking by combining two or more filters together. However, with modern high-performance filters that block light by reflection, one should not try to increase blocking merely by stacking two filters immediately next to one another—combining filters this way only works when multiple reflections between the filters are reduced or eliminated!
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Despite the availability of “standard filter sets” (a combination of optimally designed exciter, dichroic and emitter filters) offered by optical filter manufacturers, it is not uncommon for researchers to build their own “custom filter sets” comprised of unique combinations of otherwise standard individual filters. Explore common pitfalls and key considerations when building custom optical filter sets.
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Polymer fittings and ferrules have proven to be superior to stainless steel in many analytical applications. IDEX Health & Science has compiled the following solvent compatibility information for polymers commonly used in HPLC.
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High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is an analytical process designed to separate, quantify and analyze components of a chemical mixture. Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) is HPLC operated at extremely high pressure (>12,000 psi / 800 bar).
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In this paper we discuss various important characteristics of hard-coated thin-film interference filters, such as high light throughput, steep edges, and high out-of-band blocking, all of which require careful consideration when designing and manufacturing optical filters for NLO imaging applications.
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Optical filters play a vital role in obtaining maximum performance from complex, expensive, laser-based microscopes and it only makes sense to invest in optical filters that match the performance of the imaging system.
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Get started using the Systec Vacuum Degasser with this set step-by-step quick start instructions.
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Type 90 and Type 3000 valves are manual switching valves containing six or seven ports for a wide range of applications.
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Operating Instructions: Type 70 High-Pressure Switching Valves Model 7010 Sample Injector.
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Titan and TitanHT boards have UART communication option available to the user. UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) communication is asynchronous serial communication based on TTL (0-5V) voltage levels.
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Review instructions on how to use the TitanHT™ Rapid Replacement Pod™ from IDEX Health & Science.
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This Driver/Controller Development Assistance Information Package (“Information”)
consists of the following documents for the TitanHT series of fluidic assemblies:
1. IDEX Health & Science TitanHT Driver Board
2. IDEX Health & Science TitanHT Dimensional Drawing
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This Information is proprietary to IDEX Health & Science, LLC, and is provided by IDEX Health & Science as a service to assist IDEX Health & Science OEM customers in the development of drive and control circuitry to be used in conjunction with Rheodyne motorized valves.
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RheoLinkTM is a two-wire serial interface based on I2C bus. When exchanging data, one device is the master (controls the clock line), while the other device acts as the slave. In the I2C protocol, each device has a seven-bit address. To initiate a data transfer, the master must first transmit the address of the slave device that it wishes to ‘talk’ to.
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本资料为IDEX Health & Science, LLC 专有, 并且由IDEX Health & Science 提供,作为一种服务协 助IDEX Health & Science 的OEM 客户开发Rheodyne 电动阀的驱动与控制电路。一旦申请并获得 该资料,即表明接收人同意不将本资料作为它用,也不将本资料披露给与其它不参与阀门控制电路 开发的人员。
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Instructions for MX Series II™ Quick Start Guide from IDEX Health & Science.
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MX Series II Modules are self-contained automated valves available in a variety of flow
paths for use in many applications. For multiple valve applications, the MX II’s unique
“Snap n’ Stack” system allows modules to be stacked on top of each other or
connected side to side to conserve bench space and reduce tubing connection
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