At IDEX Health & Science, we believe in consistently striving to create value and improve the communities where our teams live and operate, which is why we understand the importance of discovering new and impactful ways to give back. As Kathy Calvin, former President and Chief Executive Officer of the United Nations Foundation stated, “Giving is not just about making a donation. It’s about making a difference.”
In 2022, our sites participated in the following volunteer and donation activities:
Employees from Rohnert Park helped bring more joy this holiday season by participating in Sonoma County’s Secret Santa gift-giving program. Employees purchased gifts to fulfill wishes for families in need. IDEX Foundation also donated $5,000 CVNL (Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership), which helps run the program.
The Sonoma County Secret Santa program works with over 125 county agencies, schools, and community nonprofit organizations to fill over 38,576 wishes each year. Each wish ($25-$40 item) is placed on a Red Heart, and these hearts are displayed throughout Sonoma County businesses for the public to adopt.
Thank you to our employees for making this Secret Santa a great success!
For the holiday season, the Life Science Optics team partnered with The Kade Project for their annual Toys-for-Tots donation drive. The Kade Project distributes donated gifts to families in the Honeoye Falls and Mendon, NY communities in conjunction with a $5000 IDEX Foundation donation. Deb Milne-O’Brien, Executive Director and Founder of The Kade Project, said: “The Kade Project was able to collect and distribute OVER 2700 toys and gifts for Toys for Tots this year. Unlike many programs in ROC and other areas - many were REALLY down in donations this year, we had plenty of toys and gave them all out. Huge huge thanks to the folks from the IDEX Corp. - the phenomenal work they did last year, and again this year cannot ever be thanked enough.”
In December the Life Science Optics team partnered with Pup Stop, a dog rescue in Rochester, for a pet supply donation drive which included dog food, treats, toys, and cleaning supplies. Pupstop is “a safe and secure refuge for abused, unwanted, and neglected animals through foster homes or lodging while they await adoption.” Life Science Optics employees, Dale Curtis and Colleen Weisbeck, also received a personal thank you from one of the shelter residents when they dropped off our donations.
The Life Science Optics team rallied to help those in need in our communities, surpassing our twenty-box goal for the annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Twenty-five completely filled boxes (each including a $25 Wegmans gift card donated by IDEX Health & Science) were collected and delivered to local families who were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with warm, home-cooked meals. In recognition of this achievement, the IDEX Foundation donated $5,000 to the Open Door Mission.
At the beginning of November, Life Science Optics volunteers participated in their final event for the Veterans Outreach Center: the Stars & Stripes Gala. Held at the convention center in downtown Rochester, participants set up the dining tables and coordinated the silent auction winner tab sheets and distribution. This was the VOC’s biggest fundraiser to benefit the Richards House renovation, which is an emergency shelter for homeless veterans in Rochester’s South Wedge neighborhood. It was truly a special event and, as Lorie Pfaff noted, “we were proud to be there representing IDEX and meeting some amazing Veterans and volunteers.”
Our team in Middleboro, MA held a fall clean-up at the Boys & Girls of Metro South’s Camp Riverside in Taunton, Massachusetts. 23 employees participated in various tasks including setting up an ice skating rink. The Middleboro team also participated in a spring clean-up in May to help prepare the facility for the summer camp season. Over the summer, the IDEX Foundation donated $15K to the Boys and Girls Club of Metro South, which will be used to support facilities and programs they run including Camp Riverside.
“I wanted to thank you and your team again for your tremendous support to our organization. We truly could not do it without you,” said Erin Lombardo, Senior Director of Grants & Advocacy at the Boys and Girls Club Metro South.
Employees from Rochester and Lima donated bears and blankets to the Willow Domestic Violence Center in Rochester, NY throughout the month of October in conjunction with a $5000 IDEX Foundation donation. Our efforts will help aid Willow’s mission in preventing domestic violence and ensuring every survivor has access to the services and supports needed along the journey to a safe and empowered life.
Our team in Bristol wore pink in October to recognize and support Breast Cancer Awareness month. The Bristol site also held a t-shirt fundraiser where employees were able to purchase IDEX-branded shirts with words of support and hope in pink. 87 shirts were purchased, which raised $1,740. The funds will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation.
Thanks to all the employees for raising awareness and supporting this important initiative.
Carlsbad volunteers run a monthly food drive supporting their local community at the First Presbyterian Church of Oceanside. Before the pandemic, they hosted a meal once a week. Now recipients drive up in the parking lot and are given bags of groceries directly into their cars. The recent $5000 donation from the IDEX Foundation purchased meat products that will be distributed over the next few months. Our Carlsbad team was also invited to tour the North County Food Bank this month to learn about what other activities they can participate in as a group. Stay tuned for details!
Shortly after the devastation of Hurricane Ian, Life Science Optics employees donated food, pet supplies, and other essential items to help those impacted from our sister company, Pulsafeeder. A massive amount of donations came in during a brief (one week) collection period and were quickly shipped out to recipients who were without power—some without homes—and stranded with clean-up efforts.
Our Zweibrücken team in Germany participated in two community service events. During the first event, they planted 80 lavender bushes in the city to support the many ecological initiatives in Zweibrücken. This effort was in collaboration with Zweibrücken Vernetzt, a platform for nature and climate protection initiatives.
In the second event, another group of employees participated in “Painting Walls-Giving Hope"; an initiative of the Municipality of Zweibrücken, office for social services, asylum services, social field service, and furniture storage. The program paints apartments in Zweibrücken for homeless people and people seeking asylum. Employees painted two apartments, that will serve as homeless shelters.
Learn more about these community service events
Employees from Middleboro challenged site leaders to a tutu and tiara challenge to raise money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in memory of Lisa Castagnetti, an IDEX employee who lost her life to cancer this past summer. If $1,000 was raised, site leaders agreed to wear tiaras and tutus and serve lunch. Over $1,300 was raised and the Middleboro site matched the funds. Middleboro employees conduct a yearly fundraiser to go towards a charitable cause as a part of their annual employee appreciation week and agreed to make the donation in Lisa’s memory.
The IDEX Health & Science Rohnert Park site held four volunteer days at Redwood Empire Food Bank in Santa Rosa, CA. Volunteers worked 2-hour shifts participating in team-building activities that included sorting, packaging, and working on warehouse projects. In total, employees participated in 104 volunteer hours, packing 14,678 pounds of food worth over 12,200 meals! Additionally, the IDEX Foundation donated $20,000. A $5,000 donation was also given in June as part of a company food drive.
Redwood Empire Food Bank distributes food in Sonoma, Lake, Mendocino, Humboldt, and Del Norte counties. As the largest hunger-relief organization in the area, they work on the region’s front lines of emergency food assistance.
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped ensure that our neighbors in need have access to healthy quality food.
Volunteers from our Carlsbad Life Science Optics team hosted a class about the Science of Light for the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad’s STEM event. Despite having nearly double the anticipated number of participants, volunteer Bill McGuigan soldiered through, establishing meaningful rapport as he presented a PowerPoint with corresponding hands-on experiments and queried kids about their interests. All attendees also received a IDEX Health & Science lunchbox!
Some of the following topics and experiments were covered:
We’re looking forward to returning for future events throughout the fall. The IDEX Foundation granted this Boys & Girls Club $20,000 to use towards financial aid to cover kids club fees. Stay tuned for updates!
Learn more about our other STEM events
Last month, IDEX Health & Science partnered with Fudan University in Shanghai, China to teach a program that introduces college students to optics and their role in the life sciences. This marked a return to in-person instruction after a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 50 eager students completed the course, taught by Wang Qi, and were delighted by the opportunity for hands-on instruction.
In support of our local Veterans Outreach Center (VOC), Life Science Optics volunteers participated in two different on and off-site events. First: 40 employees built 72 pinwheels decorated with inspirational messages for veterans running in August’s Pound the Ground 5K. Second: Life Science Optics volunteers helped on race day with set-up/take down, distributed water for racers, served as road marshals, manned the registration tables, and cheered on runners. In addition, the IDEX Foundation supported the team with a $7,500 donation to VOC.
Alyssa, our VOC representative, said: “The event went great, and we couldn’t have done it without the assistance of you and all of our volunteers! We had a total of 387 participants sign up for the race, which was a great success for us at VOC. All of the money raised from this event directly supports the veterans we serve at Veterans Outreach Center. Because of people like you, our participants continue to return year after year, increasing the funds raised for our veterans. “
In August, a group of employees at the IDEX Health & Science Bristol facility sponsored and volunteered to cook a barbeque meal for Meals for Neighbors’ soup kitchen. IDEX employees bought the food, prepared the food, served the food, and cleaned the kitchen areas. Additionally, employees participated in a food drive June and collected 1,145 pounds of food and body care items for the program. Employees plan to sponsor more meals in 2023. The IDEX Foundation donated $9,500 to Meals for Neighbors in addition to a $5,000 donation made in June for the food drive.
Learn more about this donation
In early August, Life Science Optics volunteers from Rochester/Lima in partnership with the Jewish Family Services: Pencils and Paper Program and a $29,000 donation from the IDEX Foundation, assembled backpacks for students in high poverty schools. In total, 575 backpacks were fully outfitted with school supplies and donated to every student at Roberto Clemento School #8 in Rochester.
In addition, our Life Science Optics team in Carlsbad assembled 50 backpacks which were donated to the Kimbrough Elementary School in the San Diego Unified School District.
Click Here for Behind the Scenes and More Information about our Build A Backpack Event
Life Science Optics volunteers participated in the latest AutismUp event: a social competitive mixed doubles paddle charity tournament of over 100 teams. Volunteers helped unload supplies, set up the event, deliver food to the different courts, assist with raffle sales, run the popcorn machine, close the auction, and clean up. All proceeds from the event benefit AutismUp’s mission of providing support and resources for individuals with autism and their families.
Scroll down to see how our volunteers helped at other AutismUp events.
Volunteers from the Life Science Optics team in Rochester participated in three in-person events throughout the summer to support AutismUp: an organization supporting individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families by expanding and enhancing opportunities to improve quality of life. Most recently, our volunteers stuffed 500 sensory bags in less than 3 hours which will be distributed to the community AutismUp services with their programs. Look out for updates as our volunteers assist at various AutisumUp events throughout the next few months made possible, in part, through a $29,900 donation from the IDEX Foundation.
In mid-August, our volunteers participated in AutismUp’s 9th annual fundraising KiteFlight Event at Seabreeze Amusement Park: an event meant to “lift families with autism up; a journey to support those with autism taken with families & friends; an opportunity to come together and march in a kite parade and celebrate.”
In July, Life Science Optics employees from Rochester volunteered at AutismUp’s Bike Camp Week in July: teaching individuals with autism, and other disabilities, how to ride a conventional bike.
In June, a handful of employees from Rohnert Park helped make the planet a little greener. They spent an afternoon conducting a beach clean-up at Doran Beach in Bodega Bay, CA. They worked together to clean up trash and debris at the beach just in time for the summer beach season.
The IDEX Foundation challenged businesses across IDEX to collect food and donate it to their local food pantries April through June. This is the foundation’s third Food Insecurity Campaign since the pandemic began. The IDEX Foundation also donated $5,000 USD to each food bank selected by each IDEX business unit—culminating in a total of $30,000 in donations from IDEX Health & Science. 15,746lbs of food was collected by our employees, and each $5,000 donation equals 10,000 meals!
In June, a team of four employees from Bristol, CT endured a hot Saturday and participated in the Swing Fore Special Olympics of Connecticut Golf Tournament. In addition to a $1,000 sponsorship, employees raised $800 for raffle prizes that were donated to the Bristol Special Olympics team. Bristol employee John Miclette, who is one of the coaches for the Bristol Special Olympics team, was also present to support the athletes take pictures and hand out goody bags to the players. This past year, IDEX Foundation donated $9,750 to the Special Olympics of Connecticut.
The event was organized by Charity Cycling Challenge. All net proceeds directly benefit the Special Olympics of Connecticut. We would like to thank the players and John for going out and representing our company at such a great event.
In May, Middleboro, MA employees participated in a clean-up day at the Boys & Girls of Metro South’s Camp Riverside in Taunton, Massachusetts. Over 20 employees prepped the camp with various tasks including painting, carpentry, and ground maintenance. Another clean-up day is planned for the fall. The IDEX Foundation also donated $15K, which will be used to support facilities and programs run by the Boys and Girls Club of Metro South.
Learn more about this donation.
In early June, IDEX Health & Science Volunteers from the Center of Innovation (COI) in Carlsbad, CA, hosted a STEM Event for the Carlsbad Village Boys & Girls Club. The event was focused on teaching the kid attendees about the Science of Light with a PowerPoint presentation and hands on experiments. They also learned about why the sky is blue, what makes a rainbow, mixing colors, how the human eye and lenses work. COI Volunteers topped off their presentation with a fun segment about perception using optical illusions. More events are planned for the upcoming summer camps.
Learn more about the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad
20 Volunteers from IDEX Health & Science showed up in force on May 19, 2022 for the United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes’ Day of Caring. The Day of Caring is an annual event where thousands of volunteers across the region help 200 nonprofit agencies with various projects in order to better serve their communities. Participants from our Rochester Team — battling a hearty dose of spring showers — helped renovate the grounds at the Rochester Childfirst Network and reorganize their storage facility. Partnering with the IDEX Foundation, we also donated $7500 to the Rochester Childfirst Network.
Click here to learn more and to see our before and after pictures
In May, employees from Middleboro held a teddy bear assembly to benefit the Friends of Jack Foundation. Approximately 13 employees participated and assembled and dressed up teddy bears. The teddy bears are distributed by Friends of Jack to local police, fire stations, and hospitals who then give them to children who are experiencing a situation that may be stressful or scary. The mission of Friends of Jack is to provide and support overlooked programs that enhance the physical, mental and emotional health and well-being of children. The IDEX Foundation also donated $5,000.
“Helping children during difficult times is very important to our employees. When children are supported with safety and comfort, they are able to thrive,” said Ali Ricciardi, Human Resources Generalist at IDEX in Middleboro.
The IDEX Health & Science team in Rochester partnered with GotSneakers to collect athletic shoes for recycling and charity — and our participants did not disappoint. We were able to donate 279 pairs! Recycling and reusing sneakers keeps them out of landfills, reduces the environmental strain of manufacturing new ones, and helps fill the needs of millions worldwide who don’t even own shoes. Learn more about GotSneakers’ mission here: gotsneakers.com/
A healthy planet is not an option — it is a necessity. That is why employees from Rohnert Park celebrated Earth Day by holding a two week-long cleanup. They were given kits with gloves, garbage bags and a bandana. Participants were able to cleanup anywhere–beaches, parks, neighborhoods, or at an Earth Day cleanup event. Thank you to all our participants who helped make our planet cleaner.
In March, employees at our Rohnert Park site held a donation drive for Dogwood Animal Rescue. Dogwood Animal Rescue is a foster based nonprofit organization whose mission is to support animals and the people who love them through rescue, rehoming, spay/neuter and education. IDEX employees dropped off supplies and cash donations and purchased many wish list items on Amazon. Over $1,300 in financial donations were collected and the IDEX Foundation donated $8,500.
For the May Track and Field Special Olympics New York Event, IDEX Health and Science Volunteers from Rochester decorated pinwheels with motivational messages, handed out the pinwheels during the Parade of Athletes, and helped distribute lunches to coaches and athletes. Thank you to all our volunteers, and congratulations to all the participating athletes! In addition, through partnership with the IDEX Foundation, IDEX Health & Science is also donating $15,000 to Special Olympics New York, which will be used towards the purchase of athletic equipment, uniforms, and coaches education.
In February, employees from Rochester, NY and Bristol, CT volunteered to make posters and cheer on Special Olympics Participants. “The Special Olympics event is a great way to help people with special needs,” said John Miclette, a Bristol employee who has coached Track and Field with the Bristol Special Olympics Team for the last ten years. His son, (John Jr.) participates in the standing long jump, 100 meter walk, soft ball throw, and bowling. “They are not judged by anyone and can really enjoy themselves—all while getting much needed exercise and fresh air.” Our Bristol team raised over $1,300 with a t-shirt fundraiser and a $9,750 donation from the IDEX Foundation for the Connecticut Special Olympics.
Learn More about the Connecticut Special Olympics
Members of the IDEX Health & Science Team in Rochester volunteered to make posters and cheer on Special Olympics of NY Athletes during their recent basketball tournament. IDEX Volunteers decorated the Golisano Training Center with handmade motivational posters, participated in the skills competition, and led handing out lunches for all the athletes. We look forward to participating in upcoming Special Olympics Events!
We were absolutely delighted to celebrate the accomplishments of these winter athletes. For the Rochester Special Olympic events, IDEX Health & Science volunteers made 48 posters and 7 employees came out to cheer in the stands.
Learn More about the New York Special Olympics
Our sites in Rochester, NY; Lima, NY; and Carlsbad, CA participated in the annual donation drive for the Mount Hope Family Center’s Building Healthy Children Program. Their combined donation included 152 items of baby supplies, children’s books, and hygiene products for mothers. “Mt. Hope Family Center is blessed to have IDEX Corp. as a community partner,” said Lori Stevenson of Mt. Hope Family Center, “We are so grateful for the support IDEX provides as we serve children and families who have experienced trauma.” IDEX Health & Science also partnered with the IDEX Foundation to donate $5,000 to this organization.
Learn more about our volunteer and donation efforts in our Community Engagement blog.