20 Volunteers from IDEX Health & Science showed up in force on May 19, 2022 for the United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes’ Day of Caring. The Day of Caring is an annual event where thousands of volunteers across the region help 200 nonprofit agencies with various projects in order to better serve their communities. Participants from our Rochester Team — battling a hearty dose of spring showers — helped renovate the grounds at the Rochester Childfirst Network and reorganize their storage facility. In partnership with the IDEX Foundation, we also donated $7,500 to Rochester Childfirst Network (a non-profit childcare facility).
Volunteers braved pouring rain for United Way's Day of Caring.
In addition to helping Rochester Childfirst Network reclaim valuable storage space, many of the items removed from the facility were either repurposed or recycled. IDEX Health & Science values pursuing sustainable opportunities whenever possible, and, to that end, our volunteers were able to divert several items from landfill disposal including:
Check out the results (below) of extra classroom equipment that was rehomed and refurbished by a family childcare team.
New shelves, freshly sanded and painted, repurposed from Rochester Childfirst Network Storage.
Our IDEX Health & Science Volunteers in action!
Thank you to all our volunteers for living the IDEX Difference and giving back to the communities we live and work in! For more information about United Way’s Day of Caring, visit their website at: unitedwayrocflx.org
Learn more about how we have given back to our communities in 2022