No direct substitute. For Fluidics, contact Technical Support at // For Optical Filters, contact
This "Pinkel" multiband set is optimized for laser excitation over four bands - utilizing a 375 or 405 nm laser source for DAPI, a 473 or 488 nm laser source for GFP or FITC, a 559, 561.4 or 568.2 nm laser source for mCherry, and a 632.8, 635, or 647.1 nm laser source for Cy5. This set provides high brightness, extremely low crosstalk, and superb signal-to-noise ratio.
Our improved version is certified to deliver dichroic flatness <= 1λ P-V RWE @ 632.8 nm for loose and cube mounted [NTE, OFF, OMF or ZHE] filter sets LF405/488/561/635-4X-B
Price Not Available.
US Domestic pricing – contact your local distributor for other currency list prices
Price Not Available.
US Domestic pricing – contact your local distributor for other currency list prices
This set is mounted in a Nikon NTE Fluorescence Filter Holder, which is compatible with Nikon microscopes TE 2000, 50i, 55i, 80i, 90i, Eclipse Ti, Ni, and Ci series, and any using the Epi-fluor Illuminator.
Filter Role
Filter Size
Maximum Thickness
Exciter (Diameter)
25.0 mm
5.0 mm
Emitter (Diameter)
25.0 mm
3.5 mm
Dichroic (L × W)
25.2 mm × 35.6 mm
1.1 mm (Can accept 2 mm dichroic)
Optimized – Filter set is specifically optimized for that fluorophore.
Compatible – Should result in nearly ideal performance in most situations.
Acceptable – Actual performance is dependent on specific experimental conditions.
Compares the performance and reliability of hard coated filters to traditional soft-coated filters and provides information about the testing standards for Semrock filters
This set is mounted in a Nikon NTE Fluorescence Filter Holder, which is compatible with Nikon microscopes TE 2000, 50i, 55i, 80i, 90i, Eclipse Ti, Ni, and Ci series, and any using the Epi-fluor Illuminator.
Compares the performance and reliability of hard coated filters to traditional soft-coated filters and provides information about the testing standards for Semrock filters