Partner with Us
We invite you to discuss tailored options offering prolific performance within budget.
Welcome all Contract Manufacturers! Thank you for your interest in collaborating with IDEX Health & Science. Our Goal? To be your “go-to” partner for optical filters from concept through production. We invite you to explore some of our exclusive resources, and complete our contact form if you’d like additional information.
Semrock® Optical Filters from IDEX Health & Science revolutionized the Life Sciences industry in the early 2000s with advanced hard-coated optical filters, enhancing instrument sensitivity, accuracy, repeatability, and filter lifespan. We persistently innovate, delivering up to 100,000 filters for diverse applications and budgets. Our products range from premium Avant™ sets for improved fluorescence microscopy to budget-friendly Nanopede™ bandpass filters for superior spectral unmixing. Quality is our priority.
As OEM customers increasingly work with contract design and contract manufacturing innovators, we offer our new SPEED (Semrock Partnership for Expedited Engineering & Design) Program. Participation in the SPEED Program enables your organization to get to the right filter solution on budget and on time by providing the following benefits:
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