To overcome the obstacles many fluorescence instrument designers and users face with spectral management, our experts created SearchLight™: a free, intuitive, online plotting tool that gives you the power to optimize your fluorescence system.
SearchLight allows fluorescence microscope users and optical instrument designers to model and evaluate the spectral performance of fluorophores, filter sets, light sources, and detectors as components of an overall system. Its intuitive user interface makes it easy to manipulate component specifications and plot spectral results that allow users to make smarter decisions without wasting time and money.
Protect Your Data: SearchLight is not a cloud-based software and allows you to maintain full control of your privacy settings
SearchLight’s built-in System Calculator also allows the user to quantify system metrics including signal, SNR, and bleed-through; as well as compare various system configurations against each other.
Any number of spectra may be plotted simultaneously, and an entire graphing session sent to colleagues for collaboration using the “Share” feature. SearchLight sessions can also be saved into your personal account for future use.
SearchLight contains an extensive library of over 800+ fluorophores, 150+ light sources, more than a dozen detectors, and Semrock’s entire library of filters and filter sets. “MyData” allows you to upload your own custom datasets for any components not currently included as a selection choice. You maintain full ownership of your data, and it will not become part of the standard options.
Learn more about SearchLight by watching this introductory video below:
SearchLight was also one of the featured tech products on NewsWatchTV airing on January 6th, 2017. NewswatchTV airs on the Discovery Channel, AMC, and ION Network in over 200 Markets nationwide in the US. Click to watch the full segment.
Our SearchLight Compare System Calculator feature quantitatively computes the fluorescence signal, noise, and signal-to-noise ratio for unlimited combinations of filter sets, fluorophores, light sources, and detectors. Calculations are based on a straightforward mathematical framework, which is described in detail in our white paper Spectral Modeling in Fluorescence Microscopy.
SearchLight Compare System Calculator takes into account all the spectral components of a typical epifluorescence microscope configuration.