Do you experience inconsistencies in your low-flow chromatography over the lifetime of your column?
With new bioinert frits, our PEEK-lined BioVersal™ 1.0 mm Column Hardware reduces unwanted sample surface interactions and enables system operation under harsh solvent or pH conditions.
The PEEK-lined stainless-steel lining of the 1.0 mm column provides a metal-free pathway and the structural integrity to pack small particle substrates up to 40K psi. It also provides a consistent and smooth surface to reduce peak fronting effects common with microbore stainless steel column tubes. In operation, the 1.0 mm column can be continually subjected to 25K psi for hundreds of injections and can withstand temperatures up to 80° C without sample peak degradation.
Looking for more bioinert components and resources? We have a full suite of bioinert, metal-free components and several resources to help you design a complete metal-free flow path. Fill out the web form to gain access.
Column tube surface finishes can impact the consistent packing of small ID columns used for microbore applications. Small ID Stainless Steel tubes have inconsistent surface roughness. Common challenges caused by inconsistent surface finishes include peak fronting, peek tailing and poor sensitivity. IDEX Health & Science’s 1.0 mm column with the new bioinert frits reduces these effects of stainless-steel tubing and allows for efficient packing of smaller particle column media.
The smaller bore size is key to analyzing the separation of biologics faster with limited samples and gives you reliable and repeatable UHPLC analyses.
We also offer 2.1 mm and 4.6 mm BioSafe™ columns for HPLC / IC and BioVersal columns for UHPLC. Both offerings are metal-free and can deliver excellent results when running demanding biopharmaceutical and ion chromatography applications.
Access our resource library with product data sheets, guides, and more to get started.
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