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Rochester, New York, November 3, 2022 – IDEX Health & Science has extended its line of Semrock™ brand optical filters with the launch of the new Avant™ filter set family. This new filter set has been designed to provide significant improvement in fluorescence performance for corresponding short Stokes Shift fluorophores.
“The developments made with our Avant Filters marks the first significant breakthrough in optical filter technology in years, which will have a lasting impact on the life science industry,” said Xavier El Baz, Sr. Product Manager.
While every fluorescent filter set has a Gap separating excitation and emission passbands, many sets for short Stokes Shift probes have large Gaps that shift the emission filter to longer wavelengths. The emission filter captures less fluorescence and the filter set’s performance is therefore reduced. Until now, limitations in the coating process and excessive bleed-through into the emission channel have resulted in lower-performing filter sets that impact many fluorescence systems today.
IDEX Health & Science’s new Semrock Avant technology narrows this Gap and brings the emission and excitation passbands close together. The Avant family of sets thereby deliver significant increases in fluorescence signal. This is achieved with steep spectral edges and high OD blocking of the excitation passband in the emission filter. The spectral features are confirmed by Semrock’s high-resolution KolaDeep™ Spectral Measurement System, and the new Precise Edge Placement capability assures that every filter set delivers consistent performance.
Learn More About Maximizing Fluorescence Performance with Avant
IDEX Health & Science, LLC is the global leader in life science fluidics, microfluidics, and optics, offering a three-fold advantage to customers by bringing optofluidic paths to life with strategic partnerships, solutions, and expertise. As one of the few companies in the world with component, sub-system, and application level experts, IDEX Health & Science helps instrument developers solve the most demanding fluidic and optical challenges in a wide array of applications. At IDEX Health & Science we believe partnership will change the way the world innovates, leading to new technologies that improve our health, protect our planet, and enrich our lives. For more information visit: www.idex-hs.com