We are passionate about positively impacting our local communities. Our passion defines who we are as a company, and our employees and leadership exhibit this passion each and every day. We take pride in our commitment to helping the communities in which we operate to thrive.
In 2021 our sites participated in the following volunteer and donation activities:
Four of our facilities recently hosted “Build A Backpack” service events to gather school supplies for children in the community. Supplies included backpacks, pencils, folders, notebooks, and a hand-written inspirational note. Led by I-AMP summer interns, our Middleboro team prepared a total of 80 backpacks for School on Wheels.
“The bags were of outstanding quality and durability, and we do not often see fully prepared backpacks come to our community room,” said Barbara Fox, Community Outreach Director for School on Wheels.
Our Life Science Optics team secured a $12.5K donation from our IDEX Foundation to work with the Kids in Need Foundation to build a total of 500 backpacks for the Roberto Clemente School No. 8 in Rochester, New York and Vallecitos Elementary in San Diego, California. We also inspired another IDEX business unit, Pulsafeeder, to donate 200 bags to School #21 in Rochester through the IDEX Foundation.
Our team in Oak Harbor, Washington, continues to volunteer with Summit Assistance Dogs. A combination of engineers, technicians, and continuous improvement staff recently designed and built a new picnic table with benches and repaired an electric wheelchair for a Summit Assistance program member. The special project team is also in the process of building another picnic table with benches, to ensure visitors with disabilities can sit comfortably at the facility. At the end of July, we partnered with our IDEX Foundation to donate $5,000 to this organization.
Learn more about our volunteer efforts with Summit Assistance Dogs.
In memory of a remarkable teacher, Laura A. Martins, our IDEX Foundation awards $2,000 to a student from Middletown High School each year who aspires to be a teacher. This year the award goes to Caleb. Caleb will attend the University of Maine this fall to focus on a degree in athletic training for professional athletes. Congratulations!
Learn more about our annual scholarship and check out winners from other years.
We enjoyed volunteering at Rochester Childfirst Network to help out with spring cleanup for the annual United Way of Greater Rochester Day of Caring. We spent the day raking leaves, picking up sticks, and pulling weeds in their 4+ acres of beautiful outdoor play spaces. We also partnered with the IDEX Foundation to donate $7,500 to this organization.
We supported Science Club for Girls with a $5K donation from our IDEX Foundation. This non-profit provides free academic programming in STEM to girls in grades K-12 from underrepresented communities. 75% of participants and 65% of mentors come from communities underrepresented in STEM by race and/or socioeconomic factors.
In celebration of International Women’s Day, we collected 1,218 diapers, 28 wipes, multiple kids books, and more for the Building Healthy Children program at Mt. Hope Family Center. We also partnered with the IDEX Foundation to donate $5,000 to this organization.
The Building Healthy Children program at Mt. Hope Family Center helps young mothers succeed by providing tools to create healthy families.
Thanks to the IDEX Foundation, our facilities in the US were able to donate a total of $30,000 to the following local food banks.
In February, we donated 352 pairs of socks, 81 pairs gloves, and 7 knit hats to the Saint Joe’s House of Hospitality. We also partnered with the IDEX Foundation to donate $5,000 to this organization. Saint Joe’s House of Hospitality provides food, clothing, and shelter to its guests in the community.
Learn more about our volunteer and donation efforts in our Community Engagement blog.