Welcome to FITTINGS 101! You are about to embark on an exciting journey designed to help you grasp the fundamentals of fluidic equipment fittings and accessories and some basics about liquid chromatography as an analytical technique. You have most likely been introduced to some of the topics covered in this manual. We’ve found that a lot of the fundamental information about fittings and making good connections isn’t generally known, often because the information isn’t covered in most college-level classes. Also, manufacturing companies use their own lingo to describe engineering terms, mathematical measurements, and material names. Gain the confidence to know exactly what fitting you need in almost any life science laboratory application.
Meet our newest fitting: BioTight™—a new press-fit ferrule and lock ring combination fitting ideal for low-pressure fluidic applications.
If you need assistance with a specific application or would like to request custom design support, please visit our Custom Project Request Form.