Fluidics FAQs

Here we have provided comprehensive lists of commonly asked questions regarding our fluidics products and related applications. This information is designed to support your inquiries, but if you don’t find the answers you are looking for we encourage you to contact us for further assistance.

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What is PEEK?

PEEK is an acronym, which stands for polyetheretherketone. PEEK is a hard, yet slightly flexible polymer that is used in the manufacturing of many fittings and tubing commonly used in the HPLC industry. It has excellent chemical resistance to organic and inorganic liquids; only concentrated sulfuric acid and concentrated nitric acid will chemically attack it. PEEK tubing is not recommended for use with methylene chloride, DMSO, or THF due to a physical swelling effect. However, these chemicals do not adversely affect fittings, unions, or tees. Because of its broad range chemical resistance and ability to hold high pressures, it is an ideal product for nuts, ferrules, unions, and tubing. Please Note: The maximum recommended operating temperature for PEEK fittings is 150°C, and for tubing it is 100°C.