Fluidics FAQs

Here we have provided comprehensive lists of commonly asked questions regarding our fluidics products and related applications. This information is designed to support your inquiries, but if you don’t find the answers you are looking for we encourage you to contact us for further assistance.

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What does a Back Pressure Regulator do?

A back pressure regulator is a device placed in the flow path after the detector to maintain a positive pressure on the effluent line leaving the column and the flowcell. Doing this helps minimize outgassing problems that often occur within the flowcell as the solvent in the flow path moves from the high-pressure environment of the column to the low-pressure environment (room pressure) after the column.

In addition, a back-pressure regulator can be used directly after a pump. In this configuration it will operate as a pump preload, and serve to help the pump operate more efficiently with less flow pulsation and/or disturbances.